Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 14

Kyle 279.2 day -1.0 total -15.4

Jenny 160.0 day -0.0 total -7.0

I forget what she said she had, but Jenny had a nibble or two of something off-protocol last night at "girls night." As you can see above, it resulted in a stall, and frustration for Jenny. Just another lesson in how disciplined we need to be.

For anyone committing to this protocol, a very simple, yet monumentally important decision must be made. And made not just once, but on a daily basis, even multiple times per day. We must decide what we desire more: eating food and feeling good in the moment, or breaking free from what holds us down and getting to feel good about ourselves for once. It really hit me today. Do I want to feel good for a few minutes and hate myself all the time, or put off what I think could be pleasurable and feel better about myself all the time? It's simple on paper, but so many of us struggle with being overweight because that momentary feeling of pleasure and endorphins we get from emotional eating is our drug of choice, and we choose to deal with life by running from it, and hiding in those moments of self-indulgence. We are addicts. We are in bondage.

Well, I'm proclaiming my freedom.

Today was an awesome day. I can't believe I chose to jeopardize this! I've missed feeling this good. We both were strict with the protocol. I even skipped my fruits and melba toasts, and felt fine.

The highlight of my day was our weekly family dinner at my grandma's house. Instead of viewing it as a challenge, having to watch everyone else enjoy large portions of chicken, green beans, corn on the cob, and vanilla ice cream for dessert, I was instead encouraged and focused. Bless my grandma's heart, she called Jenny this afternoon to ask how she could cook and prepare the food for us so we were not cheating! We enjoyed grilled chicken and tossed green salad, and I was satisfied. Satisfied is a new place for me regarding food, and I like it.

I told Jenny tonight that I'm expecting a great weigh-in tomorrow morning. My prediction: two whole pounds!

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