Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 30

Kyle 262.4 day -0.0 total -32.2

Jenny 153.8 day +0.4 total -12.8

Neither of us can account for our numbers today. Neither of us cheated a bit yesterday. Jenny thinks that maybe she could have drank more water. Maybe we're just hitting natural plateaus. We'll see if it continues.

Today was busy! We had an inner city outreach through church this morning. We threw a block party for folks who live in Cincinnati's Over-The-Rhine area. Jenny filled lunch bags, and I made balloon animals and hats for the kids. It was HOT! We drank a LOT of water! But no fatigue or anything. And we enjoyed the comments here and there about how we're shrinking.

For the rest of the day we relaxed at our friends' house for a very cool birthday party. My buddy Trent LOVES anything and everything Christmas, so for his 31st, he and Kala put together a Christmas-in-July birthday party. It was pretty cool. And it was a lot easier than our last party there, which was the infamous Independence Day Debacle. While there were some red and green M&Ms (I had 6), Kala was gracious enough to not offer the peanut butter version, or anything else close to peanut butter or chocolate.

Christmas music played in the background during the entire time. The back deck, patio and pool were all decorated with Christmas lights. Trent even put up a tree on the deck with all of his Hallmark baseball ornaments. The tree sat behind a table which held his big birthday present, a Margaritaville "snowie" machine. Since all of the flavors were basically pure sugar, Jenny made a tasty flavoring for us with lemon juice, lime juice, and Stevia, and it was very good! I highly recommend it, since it was on protocol.

For dinner, we definitely went off protocol, but it wasn't like we ate ice cream and pig lard. We realized this morning that we were out of all of our meats, but had no time to go shopping. Since it was a Christmas party, Trent and Kala made roasted turkey, green beans, and smashed potatos. We had a little turkey and green beans, hoping it won't hurt us too bad, but not wanting to leave just to get some food we have to then prepare while everyone else is together.

We ended the night by the pool watching Christmas Vacation projected onto a bed sheet, which worked pretty well. We both were exhausted, so we left about the time Clark got the lights to work.

We got more compliments and kudos at the party, which all help motivate us to continue on! A weird thing did happen, though. Sometime after dinner, Jenny lost her voice. She was reduced to a hoarse crackle. Jenny's first thought was that it could have been a reaction to something we ate. I have no idea how to tell, though. Maybe she's just getting sick. I'd rather it be a reaction.

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