Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 25

Kyle 271.0 day +1.6 total -23.6

Jenny 157.6 day -0.4 total -9.0


I haven't posted in a week because of various reasons. There's no good excuse for what happened. Here's the Reader's Digest version:

Jenny was not losing while on her TOM, and was also dealing with strong cravings. For both of us, last week was stressful, straining, and emotionally draining. We had to deal with some big issues, and our resolve weakened a bit under the pressure. We both had a few days where we stalled. For me, one day was from eating too much cabbage (seriously, I did nothing off protocol), and another day was from not drinking enough water. After a couple of stall days when we did not waiver from protocol, we were down, which lead to a little cheating. It was nothing like our Independence Day debacle, only little nibbles and tastes here and there, thinking we could get away with it, but it was enough to stall us and to add a little. It's ridiculous that we would be more inclined to cheat because we feel bad about stalling, when cheating creates more stalling, not to mention the gains.

Throughout the busyness, stress, depressed moods, and lack of progress, I did not have the same desire to sit down and document it. While the accountability would have helped, I was embarrassed to share once we started taking steps backwards.

The interesting thing is how hard it got for us almost immediately after I felt it was getting easier. Some may think this silly, but based on our beliefs, maybe it was a spiritual element, some sort of attack or attempt to trip us up before our resolve grew too strong. Or maybe it was just coincidence. Regardless, it was working for a bit.

We both were strict today. With kids, it's very easy to cheat in the form of licking food off of our fingers after helping feed them, or taking a bite of something to make sure it's okay before we give it to them , or even finishing off the last few bites of something once they're done. We did not waver even a lick.

On a side note, I had a heartfelt conversation this afternoon with the client I mentioned above. Her decision to not move forward with a change was totally based on emotion. She understood that she needed to have a better plan, and that what I had proposed was better for her, but she was scared to death of change, and she couldn't get over it. I shared with her the emotional struggle I've endured with this diet. I explained how real those feelings and urges are that tell me I need food to feel good. But just by looking at me, we both could see what the truth was, and what I needed to do in order to better myself. I told her I understood her feelings, and wanted to help her overcome them so she could take care of herself to the best of her ability. And wouldn't you know it, I got through to her. She sat quietly for a few minutes, then said, "That makes a lot of sense. That makes a lot of sense... Okay, you're right... Yeah, let's do it. I have peace about it now." And she was sincere! She was no longer scared because she knew I understood her, and because of that, she believed that I had her best interests at heart with my recommendations. It was a beautiful thing! That's how I like to do "business"; taking care of people. And part of it starts with taking care of myself.

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