Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 17

Kyle 272.2 day -2.0 total -22.4

Jenny 160.2 day +0.2 total -6.4

More mixed news, which meant an apple day for Jenny. While I enjoyed my third day in a row of large losses, Jenny continues to hover around 160. The poor girl has munched on apples all day, even as she prepared lunch for me. That's love!

Worship this morning was awesome. Not only did I have all of the energy I've grown accustomed to, but my voice was back in shape after being a little rough last night. Looking back, I think I failed to drink as much water yesterday as I should have.

When we got home, it was a different story. Jenny put Kaylyn down for a nap after lunch while I fed Elijah his pre-nap bottle, laying together in our bed. Jenny joined us, and we all three dozed off. A bit later, I put Eli in his bed, then Jenny and I sprawled out in ours and fell into comas. When she woke me up a couple of hours later to get ready for our couples' bible study, I was exhausted. I did not want get out of bed, and I sure didn't want to go out. Maybe it was just the weekly needing-a-day-of-rest thing, or something else, but whatever it was, today was the first time since we started the protocol that I was even tired enough to want to nap, let alone feel exhausted and attempt to hibernate.

Bible study was still a challenge, with the pot-luck dinner being a potpourri of off-protocol deliciousness, but it was a little easier than two weeks ago. Jenny was feeling hungry and dealing with a headache, so she broke her apple day and had some salad and a small portion of grilled chicken breast, all on-protocol. A few group members were angels and brought some food they knew we could eat, like chicken, salad, and asparagus, which was a God-send. We had only brought food for me to eat.

I think we'll be in bed tonight a little earlier than normal. While we felt fine during bible study, we're both very tired now. I'm looking forward to a full night's sleep.

I will say this. The protocol, the diet, the challenge, it's all getting easier. It's become routine, and the emotional and mental pains I was dealing with in the first week have been slowly fading as we progress. We're settling in, and I'm enjoying the rewards.

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