Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 19

Kyle 269.4 day -0.6 total -25.2

Jenny 158.0 day +0.6 total -8.6

Not a good day numbers wise for either of us, and not a good day for me in general. Jenny started her TOM, so the increase is expected, and should be mostly water weight. It stinks that women basically stall during their TOM, but it is what it is. I'm happy I lost, but it's a little deflating compared to the two and three pound losses I've been enjoying.

I've been scrutinizing yesterday in my head all day today. I only did one thing off protocol. I read the directions on the side of the Ovaltine canister when making some chocolate milk for my daughter. It says to use 4 tbsp. for 8 oz. of milk, but I know I've never used that much before. I tried it to be sure, and the result was overpowering. It was almost too much chocolate, and this is coming from a guy who's been known to drink straight out of the Hershey's bottle. I sipped down about 3 or 4 oz., then added milk back in to tame it for her. Now, I've deviated much, much worse than that, and still lost over one pound, even two, so I just don't believe the Ovaltine and 2% milk made for a smaller loss. Add in the fact that I skipped fruits and melba toasts, and I'm scratching my head.

Jenny is going to continue taking HCG during her TOM. If it lasts longer than she thinks it should, she'll drop the HCG for two or three days.

I had a very bad day today. I had no energy, which I'm sure contributed to everything else being worse. I had a very frustrating conversation this morning with a client about her cancelling some big things we were working on in order to help her. I was devastated, and frustrated, and just about depressed the rest of the day. The pounding rainstorms didn't help to lighten the mood at all. This is the first time since starting the protocol that I have been this down, and it was a struggle. I consoled myself with a few tastes of things here and there, honestly hoping it made me feel better. Today, I was over all of this diet stuff. Today, it was too hard for me to care. Today just plain sucked all around.

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